Razorblade Memories
He would not have cared for her voice, or her thoughts, but the opening word was enough. His ears went up, his eyes widened by a fraction, and his lips threatened to draw back in a snarl. Skoll. The very name was something like a curse to him, and it made his skin crawl. Of all the wolves he had learned to hate, it was that male who deserved the most. Even now, his wounded shoulder was cause for slight concern. It had healed, but would never be the same.

“You should have chased him away the moment he came creeping around there,” Gabriel nearly snapped, his voice thick with cold rage. “That bastard nearly killed two children. He crossed our borders like he had the divine right to step into our clan’s matters. Apparently, he believed my brother planned to kill a wolf girl—whether or not this was the case doesn’t matter,” he said speaking like a politician. “It was not his business to do so. He attempted to kill my brother, and attacked two of my younger siblings when they rushed to defend him. He pushed the blame on me, saying it was my fault the two were involved, ignoring the facts of the issue entirely.” Pausing for a moment, regaining his head, the young man continued. “He’s pompous and one-sided. The only thing larger then his arrogance is his stupidity. I don’t know about this new fellow, but Gibraltar was right in what he did. I did not want his actions to have to speak for Storm, as I’m sure you can understand. ” It was a subtle, but very real threat.

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