[p] there's nothing that the road cannot heal


Ithiel is by Raze!

She did not at first answer, and there was no movement from within the cave. He smelled her strongly, but this was her home and it would strongly smell of her -- it was no indication she was there. He strained his ears and thought he heard faint breathing -- if she was ignoring him, he should leave right away. But perhaps she was sleeping?

The dark-furred wolf wanted to throttle himself at this barrage of thoughts, but as there was the noise of a groan and movement from within the cave, his annoyance with himself disappeared and he was relieved to find her moving toward the mouth of the cave. She moved strangely and sluggishly, and he frowned, stepping closer.

Oh, he said, glancing downwards. No, he snapped inwardly, and looked back up at her. I wanted to give you these, he said, thrusting out the wooden bracelets with one hand. Silly gift if you're hurting. Sorry, he murmured, looking away. Is there something else I could get you? Perhaps there was something to dull pain in the hospital house, if Enkiel was lurking about as he typically was.

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