Defying Gravity
<333 I agree :33 and your post was just fine!

She wasn't the best conversationalist out there, that was for sure. She hadn't been forced to be around other canine for quite a while and had found relief in the silence that normally surrounded her. She could talk to animals just fine, and Utriu couldn't get her to shut up sometimes...but a real, live canine? It didn't come as easily, then. It was like some invisible hand had put its fingers into her brain and twisted everything; words often came out wrong, now, or her sentences were sometimes stammered or said too softly for anyone to hear.

The question about her companion brought her out of her reverie, and she looked over at Sparrow as she replied. "Dunno. I always thought if he didn't like it he wouldn't have come with. I was surprised that he wanted to, after all I put him through. He tries to advise me on things, and I sometimes don't take too kindly to it" In fact, back then she'd done the opposite of what the guide had been trying to convince her of. She'd cut off all her hair, ripped her piercings from her skin, and had thrown two live pups into a fire and abandoned them. She had one piercing left, a stud in her ear, but that was all she'd wear any more.

She stayed quiet for a few moments after Sparrow's next question and her bit of news, watching the line. It was beginning to tremble a bit, as if it was being bumped by something...then, suddenly, it zipped forward in the water. She didn't want to snap the line and twined it around a small piece of wood that she'd brought as well. "Fishing? I guess...I mean, you don't shift and try to do things the way that worked for the humans? I was once fascinated by them....still am, a bit. I got this idea from a picture that I saw of two humans doing it together...a boy and a girl." At least, she thought those were the right genders for them. One'd had long hair, the other short.

"You want to give it a shot, miss...Sparrow? I think I've got one on the line, if you want to keep twining the line around this bit of wood. See it tugging, there? The fish has latched onto the hook, and we can bring it up out of the water, now." She said, trying to explain it in a way that would be easier to understand. She wondered if the smaller girl would be able to handle a big fish like this one, but shrugged off the thought.


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