if hello ends with goodbye...
WC::335 OOC:: Psh! Thats not creepy... and Mido Loved It! =DDD


Mido stood there with ice cold blue eyes fixed upon her. His tail didn’t betray his emotions as it beat his sides, he was excited to see her again after what seemed liked so long of her being gone. As their conversation dragged out the hybrid grew happier and more hopeful for her return to them. Sam commented about returning without Rain and there possible relationship status. If she’s not happy with him, then it’s better she come home to them untied. His soft contemplative gaze remained upon her, he hadn’t been in a relationship before, it didn’t feel right to outright speak his mind.

The mutt offered to teach her what he knew; she seemed happy by the offer and laughed. The Dasa didn’t have many friends, his old life, his family, his pain and misery they were behind him, right where he had left them. The ones in his life now, whatever friends he had… they were precious, and he would everything in his power to keep them safe, happy and healthy.

The ivory colored woman moved close and gave him brief hug. She caught him off guard momentarily, he looked down, his tiny surprise had softened in his eyes. Sam wasn’t too much shorter than him, less than a foot anyhow. The Huskadore subconsciously placed his large hands on the small of her back in reception; she said she wanted to be certain she wasn’t imagining things before she pulled herself free. The contact between them was short, he wished that it lasted a little longer. From her lips came an apology and an unsure statement. Smiling the mix shook his head slowly. Don’t be Sam, because I’m not. He was flattered by what she said, a mutual feeling followed along her statement. She was one of the few friends he had, and he really enjoyed being around her. If you want home, then come and get it. I’ll always be here, if you come back, I’ll be anxiously awaiting your return.


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