
Kseija nodded at her logic, the Russian also agreed. Suddenly the outgoing woman from the cold reach of Russia felt shy, and she listened to the fair-haired beauty intently. " I don't think this far far away is mine home, maybe some volf elses though. " She replied, not recognizing the stories Medusa spoke of but not wanting to disappoint the snowy furred female. " I do have story though, is about gold haired princess beauty, like you. " The storm-colored woman said, her voice trailing off softly as her mind flitted to the story she was about to tell. " One day, prince of far far away place rode horse into forest, see he chase smart fox to be fun for himself. Stupid prince, you see, but this he did. Clever fox led stupid prince to big vhite rock vhere beautiful princess sat, she had gold braid, hair vas heavy and long. Stupid prince tried pick it up, but hair vas heavy and long and he, veak and little. He had the dillemmas, how did he pick up? Beautiful princess smiled and tried to tell stupid prince, but he no listen to vise vomans vords, much like men today. After much talk, he pick up hair and vrap it around his arm to help her with the heavy hair. They start the valking away, to be married and such, but father pull pretty gold princess through the ground! " She began, gesturing to accent her words with wide eyes.

" Now see, golden princess father had powers, and this was, his power, to attract gold. Princess hair, so heavy because it gold, pure. You see, mean father not vant her to be with stupid man prince. For good reason, mine thinks. Stupid man prince now had to wait three years to do the valking back to vhite rock, the clever fox told him these things. Is simple thing, vait three years, and so he did. Is everyday he think about gold princess, gold gets lighter, mine thinks easier to carry. Three year is pass, he goes back and see the princess. She know his thoughts is with her, but on last day you see gold hair grew heavy again.. Is he did fall in love feeling with another voman she ask? Stupid man prince did, and father pulls her through a hole in ground again. " The was one of the many tales she was told as a child, but this one was her favorite. " Stupid man prince waits three years again, and does the walking to get back to gold princess. This time you see she vrapped him to her vith gold hair, so father could not take her away vithout the man prince again. Vell, father takes her again but time this man prince is there too, and man prince and gold princess vrap the father in gold hair and cut it off her head, and throw father then into lake. He no longer take her away, and they live happy ever after, feelings you know. " As she finished proudly the woman put her hands on her hips and smiled brightly at her company.

" You see Medusa, gold hair princess smart. Womans is smart, men not so much. You very muchly smart, maybe you are gold hair princess of 'Souls. Mine thinks this be so. " Ksenija said softly, heat flushing at her cheeks. This heat was multiplied as Medusa spoke once more, commenting on Ksen's sky colored eyes. Now that she knew Medusa was a woman lover, it made things easier. Her smell was strictly of Corsair, and Ksen doubted the presence of another female simply for the lack of scent that would have otherwise clung to her snowy fur. " Tell me, gold princess. You always alone? Is someone travel with you? " The russian questioned quietly, big blue eyes focused on the burning amber eye of her companion.


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