And this is crazy
9th June


Life had strange ways of working sometimes. She could never question fate's long term motives but she frequently wondered what manner of things would come her way. As it was it seemed to be her destiny to become a mother yet again, for she knew life grew inside of her as surely as she knew the sun would rise again in the morning. She had discovered the feelings of carrying young twice now and that was enough for her to determine it prematurely even it seemed before her body recognised it and broadcasted the fact within her scent.

The night was only in its teenaged stages, the sun had sunk below the horizon a whole ago and yet a few streaky blossoms of color still resisted the imminent darkness and proudly displayed their vibrant nature. Atop her house she crouched watching the days last vestiges finally fade away and give in to true darkness. As first one hour and then a second passed by she found her muscles cramping and shifted her position so that she sat instead of merely hovered. Committing herself to staying here for a while, if not the whole night.

She had a while to go yet before her pregnancy would show to others but still her hand rested over her stomach in a possessive protective act. She allowed herself to wonder and daydream, would there be many of them or only few. Girls or boys. What would they look like, would they take after herself or Temo or be a mixture of both or be a completely new design. Another hour in human time passed by as she remained in that wondering, considering state, unwilling to move from her thoughtful spot.

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