J: Looking for home
OOC:Just one question. How do you like your Luperci? A social and avid scholar? Or a silent and deadly hunter? (Probably not really quiet. And only deadly to deer. And other game.) ((This is not a real question. It is purely based for comedic reasons. It is also known as a rhetorical question. See a dictionary for further details. This disclaimer is also for comedic reasons. And I'm bored.)) (((Fixed the extended post problem!)))

Alakai had a point. Lukos forgot to mention his own name to the pair, and he shouldn't have waited for so long to introduce himself. "My apologies that I forgot to give you my name. I am Lukos. Pleased to meet you." he added with a grin. "I am mainly a hunter, but I'm also a woodcarver in my spare time, as in when I'm not hunting or reading." He wasn't sure if they had many hunters in the pack already, but more than one hunter means more than one haul. He was a bit uneasy with the thought of willingly slicing himself, but if that's what it takes to join, he would do it. "Sharing blood is meaningless for what I would gain from it." Lukos hoped that Alakai didn't mind having one more family member. Besides, giving a little blood is nothing in comparison to him getting mauled by that mother bear he stumbled on four months ago.

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