J: Looking for home
OOC: Had to attend to a wedding,too bad it wasn't mine. Not yet at least. Found a way to respond without rewinding back to when we were at the border.

Lukos was thinking of Malakai's parting words when he was standing there waiting for Alakai's response. With those dirty looks and threats, I don't know if I can forget the whole encounter. he thought. Of course, Malakai had to be stern. Lukos just joined, and it's tradition to put the newcomer in their place. I wonder where these caves are. Their might be something of interest in them. Of course, I have to pick a place to live at first.

He wondered if their was anyone who actually lived in the village. As far as he could tell, he and Alakai were the only ones there. All the houses were pretty much run down, and looked like they needed some serious repairs. One more reason to be thankful for woodworking. he thought. He saw an area somewhat in the middle of the village filled with metals and such, most likely a human park of some kind. He reminded himself to look into it after he moved in. Pack members might want things to stay the same though, so I'll just look. Not really much of a gardener, but I'll probably spend some time at the training grounds. He shifted his gaze to the large building relatively close to the training grounds. I wonder if some of the pack live in there. he pondered.

Looks like their is a lot of exploring to do when I'm done. he felt that if he didn't find a bed soon he might fall flat on his face from traveling and the stress of what happened earlier. Their's probably not even a bed to sleep in, from the looks of the houses on the outside. He already picked a house to try out. It was right next to the weapons storage if he heard Alakai right. It was a bit shabby, but nothing a little elbow grease wouldn't fix. He looked out of the corner of his eye at the Angelo, wondering what he was thinking. Lukos didn't want to say anything to him from the fear that he might say something wrong, so he just kept his mouth shut. [i]I wonder if everyone lives in the caves. It would make sense, because he couldn't see anyone else. That, or the pack is good on not being seen.

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