[M] And if I bleed...
She was so far gone to the pain now that she hardly even noticed them arriving at Taliesin's house nor that her newly shifted nephew had met them there. Payne and Nate-River whimpered but didn't make much of a fuss as Myrddin took them away from their mother who's noises and actions they couldn't understand and made them feel sad. Gemma's eyes rolled wildly in their sockets and she breathed in shallow quick pants.

For a few short moments her eyes focused on Taliesin who was leant over her and her voice, so quiet and scared yet somehow accepting and almost unchallengeable, certain in what she said,

"Tal. Taliesin. I'm going to die." Once upon a time this would have been a horror to her, she had been beautiful, a princess, royalty amongst peasants but now she was nothing. Not even her beauty left to show, she was destroyed.

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