take me as i am
The tightness her arms brought around his body warmed his whole soul. The words echoed in his head and it was as if he could feel himself relaxing. His arms wrapped gently around her, pulling her closer and squeezing her tight. He never wanted to let go. He held on as long as he could and what she said next brought the biggest smile he had ever held onto his face. "Yes. Of course, I would want nothing more, than to be a father to your puppies. I love you." His hand stroked Adonia's cheek gently as he stared into her eyes. His hadn't yet dried from the tears. They were still there, but for a different reason. Because he was happy, overjoyed, excited.

He leaned forward, pressing his forhead against Adonia's. He closed his eyes and breathed her in. "I'm always going to be by your side." He smiled as he kissed her one more time. He brought himself away from her and looked at the bird. He knew Theo hated him, but hopefully he would grow to like Ookami. He dipped his head at the bird, like he did to everyone he met, before finally looking at his mate. "I wrote a song for you. But my guitar isn't here. Think you could help me back to get it?" He grinned happily as he nuzzled Adonia gently.

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