CdA's Rank Names!
I'm a bit torn as well. As far as I see, all of the Italian names have pretty obvious translations (at least, they have always been easy for me to navigate with the ranks table as reference) -- and it's a bit of a culture thing too.

However, I agree that English ranks would be more obvious and simple. I like a lot of the ones you proposed (in the first example), although some of them could be changed around to make it very obvious that they're a change upward. For instance, Scribbler --> Artist --> Maven makes it obvious that the member has become more experienced and at a higher rank. Others might be more iffy? But I can understand if there aren't other words that properly convey that, it'd be hard to think of...

I'm gonna refrain from officially voting yet. >__> Raze is indecisive as HELLL.

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