Don't be afraid of the dark.
Okay, here it goes. This is about a young wolf trying to survive but failing. Yet he finally his luck caught up to him. The story takes place not long ago in forest just like this. There lay a wolf about 10 months old.He was alone a hungry and despite his efforts he could never find food. He had not eaten for almost a week. The loneliness and hunger had drove him into a constant state of fear. He lay one night in the dark scared out of his wits. He began to talk to himself to try and calm down with no avail. So the wolf decided to just listen to the growl of his stomach until sleep finally came over him. He slept great until the scent of blood entered his nose. He awoke to a dead deer in front of him. This was not how he expected to wake up. He looked up to find a beautiful young wolf looking at him and i do believe you know the rest of the story." Lance finished with a grin not believing he had actually said that. He turned around and began to lay down hoping that Aethusa had not been paying attention.

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