New Dawn vs. Amy Sunders
New Dawn & Amy Sunders Conflict

Zalen and Titania have had enough...

Amy has gone too far this time! There is no excuse for her unprovoked attacks on Fayne and her kidnapping of Kohaku. She is the epitome of everything New Dawn stands against, and she must be brought to justice.

Important Links

Plot Website -- Please view the website for more information.

  • Defending Heart and Home: After hearing no word of Amy since his trek to Anathema, Zalen sends Ciara and Palaydrian out to find some trace of the dog.
    • ND: Ciara O'Callahan
    • ND: Palaydrian Soul
  • Where is he -- 28 June: After Fayne's second attack, she has some information regarding Kohaku's sudden disappearance. She along with Zalen, go to speak with Kiara. What they all learn is shocking.
    • ND: Zalen
    • ND: Fayne
    • ND: Kiara
  • Taking Responsibility -- 8 July: Zalen now knows for certain that Amy has stolen Kohaku, as confirmed by Fayne when she was attacked for a second time. Wanting to know how and why Anathema would continue to let Amy go unchecked, he along with his Gamma, Shandom, go to Anathema to get answers.
    • ND: Zalen
    • ND: Shandom
    • AT: Aeron
    • AT: Naniko
  • Unacceptable -- 10 July: After meeting with Anathema, and learning that they did not take responsibility for Amy's actions, and that she no longer lives there, Zalen calls his pack to tell them that this is unacceptable.
    • ND: Pack meeting


Don't see any current events? Check if there's one coming up here!

Further Information

As mentioned, the plot website explains the goals and timeline of this plot in detail. This thread will be updated as things progress; our intention is to keep things orderly and moving along for the duration of this plot. PLEASE look over the website carefully; most of you questions should be answered there.

If you have an idea for a thread related to this plot, please respond here, or send a PM to Nat, along with a proposal.


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