Four Separate Journeys

One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams.

OOC Text: This is forward-dated to July 21st Big Grin

Word Count: 337

Alastar bounded eagerly around the bear and her friend Athena. From what she understood, the little wolf-dog would, for the first time, be getting to see Nanuak's southern fishing grounds near the ruins of a city called Halifax. She was vibrating with excitement. It had taken Mato some convincing, but in the end she'd done it, and now, four days later on the threshold of the mighty city, Alastar let out a howl of happiness. She had pranced up a rock, positioned above the bear and pup. With a giggle she pounced on top of Nanuak and wrestled with the bear-fur, then plopped off onto the ground beside the brown pup. Her furry fluffy tail wagged back and forth, and she barked at the bear. She could sense that they'd almost reached their destination.

Nanuak! I gotta thank you again! I's so excited to eat the fish an' hunt 'em an' eat 'til my belly 'splodes! This time Alastar turned to Athena and chased her companion's tail. Me an' you's gonna catch all da fishes. We're gonna catch as many as yer mama, an' eat 'em an' der gonna be so good! The little pup could not contain her energy at all. The trip was long, and though she was afraid it would be more tiring to her, it was quite the opposite. Each day they came closer to Halifax, Alastar's energy levels bubbled under her muscles and caused her to become a bounding ball of fur. Nanauk's teachings along the trip had done her well. She had learned valuable knowledge about plants, and how fish migrated, but she was far more interested in seeing the southern big water, and the ruins of this city. She had passed some ruins when she came down the coast away from her parents, and they looked so awesome! Had she not been in a hurry to find a new home, the little one would have certainly stopped to explore.

Even now, when Nanuak informed them that the city was actually going to be in their sights soon, Alastar giggled madly and zipped around the other two. Where we gonna stay? the wolf-dog pup managed to spurt out to Nanuak just before she bolted off in front of the bear again.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one, but both of us.


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