Four Separate Journeys
Rushed yet rambling posts FTW.

Nate chased after his father energetically, his oversized paws falling over themselves. They were finally here! It had taken them a long time, and Frodo had even had to ride his horse a little bit when they'd got tired of walking. Of course, Nate had been in his father's arms the whole time, but it had been a pretty scary experience, and the Silvertooth boy wasn't sure if he liked horses very much, especially riding them. Still, maybe it was something he'd grow into. For one thing, he couldn't wait until his first shift. Frodo had already been telling the boy-pup all about what to expect, and his tail wagged simply at the thought. He wanted to draw, and read, and write. He wanted to learn more things. Learning was fun.

His father scooped him up in large hands, and carried him wiggling through a door and into a darker environment. That was strange, because he'd thought it was daytime. Dark, Fa? Nate asked, a little bit scared. He didn't like being afraid of the dark, but he couldn't help it. He was scared of anything he didn't know about, or couldn't see. Shh, now. said Frodo, carrying the pup through a corridor and through another door, into a room with windows and filled with light. Nate breathed a sigh of relief and squirmed out of his father's hands, to explore and sniff and jump. It smelt wrong though, stuffy somehow, and mouldy. This wasn't what he expected "inside" to be like. Inside was like the town hall in AniWaya, fresh and clean, and open. Or his home-hut, tidy and neat, and homely. This just seemed...dead. It scared him. He leapt upon a moth-eaten couch, springs sticking out of it at odd angles, and yipped impatiently. We can finds stuff now 'cuz nothink 'ere an' icky? he asked his dad, wanting to go somewhere else to find the junk they'd come for. The plan was to find furniture to bring back with them. His dad looked distracted though, looking at something Nate couldn't see, nor understand. Fa? he asked, running up to smooth his head against his father's leg. Sorry kiddo, looks like I'm going solo on this one. Must hop off. Listen, yer stay here, don't talk to anyone or nuthin', got me? his dad asked, in that weird to some people but familiar to Nate voice of his. Nate sighed and nodded his head, his black eyes widening as Frodo walked out of the room, firmly closing the latch behind him.

Nate ran around in the abandoned room for a while, but the scents were stale and ugly. He cried and whined a little, angry at being left alone, and so he ran to the door and tried to open it. But it was stuck fast, and he couldn't reach the latch. This was one of the times that the runty boy wished he was taller... and then he spotted the slight crack in the window. Just small enough for a small boy to squeeze through. Nate-River smirked to himself and leapt upon the ledge, gingerly pushing his tiny frame up and out of the jagged glass. Somehow, he didn't get any cuts on his way, and soon leapt out into the open. Free and alone, once again.

He wanted to let out a howl of pleasure at his triumph, but he held his tongue for fear of his dad discovering him so early in his adventure. He only wanted to be found when he was bored, tired, and/or hungry. For now, he was neither, and he wanted to play. The boy let out a hop, skip, and a jump, spurting into a jog and then a run that was somehow less puppyish and more wild as he got into a better rhythm. He was enjoying himself, running, when he spotted something huge up ahead. WHEEEE! he screamed, and then started heading for the huge thing, whatever it was. It smelt weird! Very weird. If he had ever came across the scent before, he'd forgotten it, for now it seemed fresh and new.

Somehow, he managed to catch up with the creature, and he spotted it's - or her, as he had determined - bulking form herd two pups perhaps a close age to himself. Pups! He had never been so delighted! And two of them! Too bad they were girls. But that couldn't be helped, yet. WAI'! he demanded, scooting over to slide his body in front of the team, so they could see him. He usually got overlooked, being so tiny and runty. Wow, Nate never sees other pup! 'Part fro' mah sis' but she a silly 'nana, ha! he then looked up at the creature, that was in fact a bear, and grinned hopelessly. WOWIEE, yuh a BIG wolf! Nate never sees a thing so big, he never sees a thing so tall ! Butd he never see a ear so small! he commented, noting the bear's lack of floppy, perky ears.

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