May the clouds carry me away,
The spoiled young woman finally got tired of traveling from place to place every day and settling in the evening when she found somewhere suitable. Revena found a small abandoned house that had an old couch in it. It wasn't the best situation for her, but it was better than sleeping in dirt and waking up with bugs in her hair. There was also a stream running behind the house which lent her a place to wash her filthy hair and fur which is what she was doing now. The water was chilled and wasn't ideal, but it was better than having a soiled rat's next on top of her head. The chocolate spotted coy-dog was waste deep in the stream, fur standing on end because of the water's temperature. Small shrieks of disapproval filled the air as she bent back to wet her red mane. She washed it as quickly as she could before she waded to the shore, soaked from head to toe.

Her face said it all. Brow folded inward and a frown on her lips as she trudged back to her small shack. There were no towels here either to dry herself off so she'd have to make do with the sun. She picked a large rock where the sun beat proudly upon and lay herself over it. The bright sun felt nice on her fur and after a few moments she wasn't cold anymore, still wet, but not cold. Revena felt a world better with her hair washed clean of all debris and fur clear of dirt but still wasn't content with her living situation. With a sigh, she sat up and propped herself up with her arms. Hazel eyes scanned the surrounding area for anything out of place. To her dismay, there was nothing for miles around except more trees, rocks, and plants. Another sigh drew from her lips as she lay back down to stare up at the clouds. She made a game out of it trying to find shapes in them but soon grew bored and threw an arm over her eyes to try and get some sleep, the sun was making her rather sleepy.

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