WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

24th Around midnight.

Keldava staggered blindly through the trees, whimpering whenever a particular movement would jolt her back, sending a wave of pain out from the deep wound carved into it by Amy’s blade. While Keldava couldn’t see the wound she could tell it was bad from the pain and the wet feeling on her back where blood had soaked into her fur. The rest of Keldava’s body hadn’t gotten off easy either with cuts ranging from small to fairly large spread all across her body, inflicted both by blade and claw and it seemed as though ny part of her body not cut was bruised to the girl. Most visible of her cuts was one large gash running down Keldava’s left arm, which was currently held limp at her side. She wasn’t a pretty sight to behold; a brief glance into a pond before her eye had swollen had shown Keldava a Luperci she barely recognised, fur matted and tinted red with blood all over. She hadn’t scrounged up the courage to try and look at her back, the constant burning told her she wouldn’t like what she saw.

Blinking Keldava tried to make out her surroundings, hoping that she had managed to go the right way. One of her eyes was swollen shut and the other hampered by a wide cut just above it, sending blood flowing down into the wound freely. Some of the surrounding scenery looked vaguely familiar but Keldava couldn’t concentrate enough through the pain to figure out where exactly it was from; the young girl hadn’t encountered a serious injury before in her life, having escaped from both violent encounters she had found so far with minor cuts and bruises.

She hoped it was Arte. The nights events had drained any inclination for wandering out of her and beyond the obvious need to get some help, Keldava just wanted to go home, curl up in her bed and never leave it again. She had never encountered anyone like Amy before, never seen anyone go from friendly to angry so fast, hurt her so much for no reason other than they could. When she had accepted the trade with Amy Keldava had never expected to be asked to do what Amy had asked of her; the girl had only been expecting to help the older woman out with hunting or something like that!

Somehow Keldava’s battered nose picked out the scent of the Arte border, the flowery smell weak under the scent of Keldava’s own blood coming from where her nose had been slashed. Eagerly she tried to start forwards, only to stumble and nearly fall when her balance suddenly disappeared, blood loss taking its toll at her attempt to move quickly. Whimpering Keldava half collapsed, her right leg dragging on the ground as she leant heavily on a tree. Desperately she tried to howl, hoping that somebody would still be awake and hear her but the sound was weak. She tried again, but all she could do was cough and whimper, clutching at tightly to the tree as she could and hoping that somebody would soon come along.

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