((Gonna pp a bit to get her there. If that's not okay, let me know, and I'll come fix it. ^^ ))

He looked thankfully at the woman who gave her daughter a firm order. Keldava's thrashing was making it hard to move, but the two males began the trek. He wasn't sure if it was Jace's presence or if it was bloodloss from the exertion widened wounds, but Keldava had fallen silent for now. The trip was either agonizingly slow or unbearably quick, in his concern for his injured packmate and her mother, the pale healer wasn't sure.

They arrived, and the two males pulled her over the threshold, getting her into the spare room. He glanced at his son. "The astringent salve, and start some water heating. Jace, I have some clean cloths out on the shelves in the kitchen. Mind getting them?" As supplies were handed to him, he began by using lightly salted water to wash her wounds. It would hurt, yes, but it would keep them and get them clean.

He began pouring the lightly heated water over her wounds. Realizing she would thrash, he looked to Myrddin and Jace. "Can you help hold her, Jace? If not, we'll need someone else in here. Skye will need to be told, anyway. Do you know what happened to her?" Yes, it was clear to the overseer that Keldava had been attacked, the male just didn't know by whom.

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