Uncle Sebby
His lethargic fit was steadily improving. Still, though, life was throwing new hurdles. Hadley was married with a child. Jazper was probably going to make a move on that other leader any day now, he forgot her name. The one he gave the shirtless portrait too. What was her name?

He was interrupted from his musings by a knock on his door. Well, that was rare enough. Sebastian gazed at the solid wood for several moments before he swung his legs over and padded over to the barrier, yawning lightly as he opened the door with his neck habitually craned upwards.

"Ah, hello Had-" Sebastian flinched and recoiled as he saw the bundle in the massive hybrid's brawny arms. Oh gods, he hadn't brought the child here?

"...What is that, Hadley?" Sebastian's fur stood on end as his orange eyes fixed on the covered bundle in Hadley's arms. Gods, no. What on earth would make Hadley think he was a good influence?

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