Uncle Sebby

OOC you dont wanna make him cry XD

He stood in the hall, fidgeting a little nervously as he waited for his dear friend to appear. Hadley might be free now, but he'd still willingly do anything Sebastian requested of him. The hybrid just couldn't forget what he owed Sebastian, how happy he made him feel. The door finally opened, Hadley beaming widely as Sebastian looked up, as cheerful as always. Suddenly the red wolf pulled back, apparently frightened. Confusion flickered in the male's dark brown eyes, wondering what had happened.

His ears drooped as Sebastian spoke, thinking that he'd disappointed him. Probably thought that he should have left Amatha with her mother. Hadley had just wanted to introduce them. More sadly now he held Amatha out a little. She's my daughter, Amatha. I thought you'd like to meet her... His voice trailed off, looking to his former master for approval of some kind. Anything to show that he hadn't completely screwed up in his actions. The small pup let out a tiny mewl, nestling down even further. This was okay, right?

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