Desire is the most important factor in the success
(Sorry for the wait!)

Sonje by Sie!

She certainly had plenty of questions! Exasperatedly, she rolled her eyes and shook her head, before lowering it and laying one arm across her stomach and holding up her other hand lankly as to stop her. Sonje was laughing, a low little funny chuckle, mostly under her breath but accentuated by the slight jumping of her shoulders. Wait, wait, wait, she laughed, shaking her head again. She straightened again, tilting her head and spoke in a gentle stern manner. Willam, it's not that complicated. Just get on his back, as logically as you know how and if he's comfortable, he'll be still. If not, then he'll surely let you know.

The wolfdog wasn't into babying anymore, however short-lived it had been to begin with. Her patience was short, especially since she hadn't even had anyone to teach her to ride. It was sad that she assumed everyone should be so inclined. Here.. I'll show you how I get on Jag—I mean, Sonje. She swung her leg off and hopped down, leading Jagga in view of innocently clueless Willam. With a (quite unnecessary) flourish of her hand first, she then demonstrated the reach over her horse's shoulder, and then the subsequent, elegant hoist/swing of her right leg over the mare's broad back. She sat up, back straight and pale eyes emblazoned with a hardly deserved pride.

Use that hidden strength in your forearms we all have. It gets easier after practice... she added, a little more gentler than her brashness before. Perhaps feeling a little guilty for snapping and then show-boating. Impatient, perhaps, but her heart wasn't completely black.


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