Loki’s tail wagged wildly behind him at the young pup bumbled through the forest, nose practically glue to the ground and pointed ears looking comically oversized on his small head as they swivelled independently of his head’s movements. He didn’t have a clue what was going on but Mama’s scent was over this way and Mama always made things fun, games and stories and food! Loki’s tail wagged even harder just thinking about it.

Up ahead he could hear voices, though he understood none of it and recognised only Mama’s laughter; she must be playing a game with somebody! Not wanting to miss out on the game Loki bounded forwards eagerly, moving in hopping movements which, when combined with his ears, made him look somewhat like a very odd looking rabbit, but served to get him over the small obstacles that barred his way.

Finally Loki caught sight of Mama. He let out an excited yip in greeting and went running full pelt towards her. He was so focused on not tripping over his own oversized feet that he never noticed the hole in front of Mama until it was too late and he was already falling. He yelped loudly as he landed hard on his rear end and then something fell above him with a slam, throwing wherever he was into darkness. For a moment Loki was quiet, staring into the darkness and trying to figure out what had happened and then he burst out crying.

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