A Change of Plans
Why Raoth had tagged along for the ceremony was beyond him. He would have complained the whole way if he'd still been capable of complaining. Instead he'd trailed behind Aro, a giant scowl on his face. He wasn't part of this pack, and refused to think of himself as such. He paused behind Aro, and leaned against a cold wall. He would have closed his eyes, but there were so many potential enemies around him. The entire pack had been squeezed into a room together.

The announcement came, Raoth looking at Alyssum with faint disinterest before turning back to scanning the crowds. Aro seemed to appreciate the choice made, the coyote's eyes narrowing. Alyssum wasn't another one of his girlfriends, was she? No, he hadn't seen them together the same way he'd seen Aro and Sidra. That suspicion had to be laid to rest. Unless Aro was keeping secrets. Why would he do that? It wasn't like Raoth could tell anyone.

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