Demons are Real
Amy slipped into the woods, leaving the busy market behind. She had passed off the furs with a warning that if a single one was damaged she would take the poor merchant's pelt as a replacement. Perhaps not as terrifying as it could be, but well enough that Amy trusted she would be able to retrieve what she wanted. Easily she slipped through the woods, keeping pace with the black wolf. She let him stay ahead, wondering how he thought he would get away.

The dog's pace slowed as the clearing came into view. Now where had he gone? Sniffing the air she looked around, eying a rock that had his scent rubbed against it. No, not there. Slowly she began to circle the edge, brown eyes studying each shape. The scent of the male grew strong, with a mix of fear. Really? Behind a tree? A little dull, really. In a flash she darted over to his side, smiling up at him. Why do you run?

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