Something Wicked
Rachias slipped through the door with ease, nose wrinkling up at the stale and dirty scent that hit suddenly. She adored rummaging through and even spending time in old houses, much like the one that she and Arkham had 'claimed' so long ago, but she always hated old scent that seemed to fill each of them. She had a mind to go through and open up the windows and doors to each building that she could find, just in hopes that they might air out and not smell so stale. The young woman stood near the open door for a few moments, allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness inside the house, the dust and dirt covered windows only allowing a limited amount of light to shine in. Finally, after a short moment, Rachias began forward, stopping just long enough to drop the pack from her shoulder and to the floor at the side of the stairs.

It was when she began to move further past the stairs that the voice came, catching the girl off guard, causing her to jump slightly. Her heart pounded suddenly, only realizing that she recognized the voice after she finally calmed. Knowing who it was though, didn't really help. Rachias consider, for a very short moment, grabbing her bag and getting out of there. When she heard him on the stairs though, she knew that it would be impossible to make it out without him seeing her and really knowing for sure that it was her. Would he try to take her back to Inferni? Taking a few steps back, Rachias grabbed hold of the railing with one hand, ducking her head slightly to look up the stairs. "Sammie?"

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