Something Wicked
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        She tried to pretend. To hide the truth and act as though she hadn't recoiled from him. She didn't want it—she didn't want him. His hand gripped her arm, harder then he had intended or even realized he was doing. "Your brother's touch disgusts you," he hissed softly through his teeth, angered that he could be rejected by anyone. Last time, she had been quite willing. He had allowed her a chance to run away, but she had continued on her own. The thought that she didn't know what she was doing, or what she wanted hadn't entered his thoughts. "Or no," he laughed quietly, as though suddenly realizing something. "It isn't this brother that you want." Her devotion to Arkham seemed to go beyond simple sibling affection. Samael loved his own siblings, but he wasn't fool enough to hurl himself pointless into fire and flames for them when they were probably already dead.

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