Something Wicked
It seemed like an eternity there beneath him, even if it was only a few seconds. She hadn't given it time and her brain was already telling her that no one could hear her, even if she screamed the whole time, no one would come. Blue eyes shut tightly, forcing warm tears to stream down the sides of her face. She didn't know whether to fight or give up, but even in her confusion, she kept on kicking, kept on thrashing her arms and trying to force him away. If she could take out just one limb, hurt one just enough so that it would be useless, she might actually be able to overpower him.

What happened in those next few moments was like a blur. The door burst open but Rachias couldn't see past her brother. There was a strange scent there, one that almost seemed as if it were burning her nose, and it made the young woman open her eyes. In that instant Samael was torn away from her, jerked away by some angry, yelling creature. Rachias didn't take the time to try and see who it might have been, instead, she immediately rolled herself to her stomach, scrambling to the top of the stairs and away from the starting fray. She could hear each word spoken, each sickening thud as a body, she wasn't sure whose, smacked against something, and then it was suddenly quite.

She waited a few moment more before curiosity got the best of her, certainly Sam would have been back after her if he was still there, which meant that the stranger had run him off. Pulling her around, Rachias swung them over the top step, holding on to the railing as she began to scoot down them on her rear, using her feet as leverage to keep her movements as quiet as possible. She moved one at a time until the point that she was able to lean down far enough to see who was there, an odd looking cloaked figure, mask and all. That wasn't all though, he was injured. Scooting down a few more steps, clearing the top floor and only a few stairs away from the bottom, she leaned forward and spoke. "You're hurt."

That was obvious, of course, but Rachias was still in to much shock to think about common sense. "You saved me." She added on in quiet disbelief, shaking her head a moment, trying to regain her composure. "I think you need help." She wasn't sure what was wrong, but the way the he was holding himself couldn't be good. Finally, the chocolate and cream haired girl stretched her legs out to find her footing on the floor, pushing herself to stand and approach the stranger.

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