Something Wicked
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sharksThe adrenaline began to fade away just as quickly as it had come, but it was then that the anger really set in. It was then that the full extent of what he had just interrupted settled in his mind, the fact that his brother had tried to rape his sister. The fact that another one of his brothers had broken his trust, even what little had been there to begin with. Andrezej, Gabriel, and now Samael. Three brothers from three different litters, each as crazy and antagonistic as the next. He wanted to hate all of them, but what he wanted more than that was for them to explain to him why. Why were they all the way they were? Why did it have to be this way? Why could he only keep discovering that nothing was what he had always believed it to be? Why was their family every bit as fucked up and wrong as everyone else had said they were?

sharksHe turned and took a step back when he heard her voice. It seemed funny somehow that she had turned out so beautiful. Had it really been so long since he'd seen her? The fire seemed like ages ago, and they had both grown up in those months in between. It wasn't something he had ever really wanted to happen, especially when he'd realized it was inevitable. Arkham was still angry, but he had nothing to take it out on now. I'm fine, he said quietly, though his voice was tight. Are you okay? He took another step back as she continued to approach.


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