J- A home without a swamp is still a home
OOC:Congrats! Make yourself at home, when you chose it I mean. Your home.

"Congratulations!" Lukos said springing from his hiding place in the tree. He gave a quick bow to the Angela. "Sorry about that. Didn't think that I should 'jump' in, but I couldn't leave without greeting my Angela and the new guy.". "Well," he said, turning on his heels to face the newcomer. "What do you think of having a home away from home?" He switched over to Aeron in the same fashion. "I can show him around if you're having trouble keeping the crows under control.". Say yes say yes say yes say yes... He had a hunch that they weren't listening very well. The other day one flew overhead and dive bombed him. Another pecked his head while he was lounging in the training grounds. That, or Alaki instructed them to do that before he left, just to be cruel. He hoped that she wouldn't shoo him away, this was a great way to get to know the new people.

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