[aw] crawling back to you

Oh, shit, he really needed to do something about his apathy. He really needed to... well, get out there, and be present in his pack. Trent still felt like he was completely new here, and he'd been here for so long; he didn't really remember when it had been, but it had been somewhere during the winter... And now, it was only a couple of months until another winter would visit them. And he didn't really know that many people. Most faces he'd seen only once. Terra and Alder were the only two that could potentially be viewed as friends.

Oh, right, and he'd ditched his pony-thing with Alder the last time they'd really seen each other. Way to go, Trent.

Deciding that he needed to make up for his past misdeeds, Trent walked in his optime form towards the stables today. He could make up to Alder, and the best way to do so, he reckoned, was to actually give some attention to the pony, not-so-lovingly dubbed "Pony". Trent wasn't really sure if he wanted Alder to show up in the flesh, though, or if he'd prefer Alder later heard or noticed that he'd visited Pony. Oh, but didn't he speak horse-speak, anyway? Great, then Pony could tell Alder all about Trent's awesome spending time with Pony.

Reaching the stables, it didn't take Trent long to spot his undersized... thing, among the taller, sturdier, and much more charismatic horses. It took it even less long to spot him; Pony instantly lifted its head and let out a soft whinny as it lifted its head over the stable door. Wait, had it been a guy or a girl? Trent forgot.

It was probably a good thing to try and figure out if it was a guy or a girl, because he couldn't go around calling it "it" all the time. Especially not if Pony was going to give Alder a report of how well Trent was doing with Pony. Trent tugged at the door, but it didn't budge. Hmm. Probably a pony-proof lock, which, Trent had figured out over time, often meant it was a Trent-proof lock, too. He studied the system, which was quite simple, but not for him. He still wasn't entirely used to using his thumbs and all...

Eventually, Trent got the door to budge, and he smiled, pleased with himself. The smile was quickly wiped off his face as he toppled onto the ground though, with a door in his stomach. "Aagh!" he squeaked, 'cause it hurt to get knocked to the ground by a door, and the back of his head thudded against the ground.

Deja vu.

Once more, the first thing he saw when looking up was a pony face. "Gerroff me, stupid thing," he shouted, and pushed the nose away. Trent quickly scrambled to his feet so that he at least had the advantage of size over the darn pony. Now, let's see if you're a lady or a lad... Probably a pig, judging by your behaviour, Trent mumbled to himself, and in the stable halls -- he didn't even bother putting Pony back in the stable, because, let's face it, it would just get right back out -- he crouched to his knees on the ground, pushing his head to the ground so that he could see...

Ah! No weener, so definitely a girl-pony then. She. He mentally noted this, and was also quite grateful that Pony was standing still for a change. Now, he just needed to figure out what he could do with her... Maybe take her for a walk, or something? Still crouched down on the ground, Trent started to get up, desperately hoping no one had been watching him all along.


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