[aw] crawling back to you
I love how Trent only really spends time with his pony to try and make up to Alder, and Alder is feeling upset that Trent isn't spending time with him but is coming to see the pony, haha. <3


Alder's appearance instantly caught Pony's attention, who happily made her way over to apple-guy. Trent thought it was only because he had an apple at first, feeling a little envious (he wasn't really sure which of the two he was actually jealous of, though, Pony or Alder). But then he realised that Alder must've taken care of Pony all this time, and it made sense that after being stuck like glue to Trent at first, she was now beginning to see that her great hero never really showed up and that Alder was actually there for her all the time. Trent had really hated it when the pony had followed him around the first time they'd met, but now he hated it that the pony preferred to be with Alder over him, no longer worshipping the ground he walked on.

It was evident to Trent that Alder wasn't his bright, calm and somewhat soft self, but Trent didn't blame him. He must seem like a total stranger now, after all this time. Trent scrambled to his feet fully, lifting himself upright, and wiped some of his long ginger hairs from his face. "Looks like she missed you more." Probably because you've only been away for a little while, thought Trent, and he couldn't help but add a little jealously, Or just because you're cheating with food.

Trent felt rather awkward himself, but unlike Alder, who felt much like a closed book -- formal and polite, but not, well, not Alder -- Trent showed it pretty clearly that he was not sure at all how to act around Alder. He wanted to apologise for not coming around to see Alder for so long, like he'd intended to, but since Alder had stolen the attention of his pony, he was feeling a little headstrong about that and decided against it. "How have you been?" he asked as casually as he could manage. Pony was still looking to get Alder's apple and, once she'd get it, she would doubtlessly beg to get more in whatever way she could.


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