[aw] crawling back to you
[html] lol! yeah Alder doesnt even get why he's moody. XD

Pony came to him when he called, and it brought a smile to the Marshal. He spoke a word of low-speech, in a whisper, to greet her and gave the apple as she desired. Alder supposed that the only reason that she even recognized him was because of the day-to-day care he gave, nothing like a special attachment. What he had witnessed the day the pony had come to them was an intense bond between she and Trent, and now that she came to him instead and maybe even favored Alder fueled the negative attitude that he held. But would Trent even care?

His words seemed fairly neutral, and Alder only shrugged his shoulder at them. If Trent came to care for her the roles would be reversed, but he did not want to say any words in spite, and tried to remain calm and non-aggressive.

Doing fine. Trying to deal with the change in leadership, care for the horses. Much of the same. He replied, looking up at him from the pony that was now sniffing his empty hand. What Silvano had said about the parts of the pack that needed his efforts had struck a cord with the Marshal. He wished to start with the stables… and yet he hadn’t even spoken a word to Alder about his mission. Saying that in the open Court he might as well have called Alder out and listed his deficiencies.

You? He asked out of politeness. Alder couldn’t even pin point the reason for his coldness. All he knew was that he had tried so dearly for Trent to find him as a friend and despite his efforts he did not wish for them to be close.


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