Charm's sighing laughter didn't ruffle Pride in the slightest. She knew that the female was prone to taking her amusement however she could. At times Pride wondered what her mother saw in the gentle female, but there was always that simple acceptance that remained. Charm made her happy, so Pride loved her for that alone. The relationship wasn't as close as it could be, with Pride's cold nature, but she did enjoy Charm's company when it was given.

Charm's words amused Pride. She didn't see omens or the like as clearly as some other pack members did. For Pride, it was just how things set up, no secret deep meaning to anything. She would ask others who did have that spiritual nature if she needed guidance. Pride rarely involved herself with it anyways, choosing to form her own path. Perhaps. She did believe that her mother had the strength to be the leader that Anathema needed.

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