Mother Nature's Son
The dog lied on the sand, looking up at the sky. The bright, midday sun was covered up partly by white, fluffy clouds. Slowly, the young male's eyes gently closed and he fell into a deep slumber. A dream began to form in his mind. The luperci's dream started out with him sitting inside the barn he had grown up around. The sun was shining through the holes in the old roof of the barn and there wasn't a cloud in the sky; his body instantly felt warmer. Edgar's mother came into the old, worn-down building with a basket of flowers and fruit from the nearby garden. She sat down in front of him and held out a flower for him. The spaniel took the flower and smelled it. It had a very pleasant, sweet scent to it. He looked at it and felt every one of it's soft pink petals, it was a daffodil. All of the sudden everything went black. The dream then continued, there was rain and lightning now and the daffadol he held had wilted. A deep red drop of blood soaked one of the flower's petals. Looking up, the boy saw his father knelt over the dead body of his mother. Her body was all torn up and bloody, the area began to literally turn into a lake of blood that then swallowed up Edgar's body; he could just barely breathe.

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