Never made it as a wise man
12th September

The sun was weaker now, in the cool of the early evening. She was thankful for it, here eyes still hadn't adjusted to the brightness after being locked inside for so long. The skeletal looking woman was surrounded by the new children she had birthed and yet she held no satisfaction, none at all. Her family was in tatters, ruins and she stared sadly out at Thornberry around her. No life to her eyes, no light in her at all. She had seen Honrin's face, the scars that disfigured it, her son looked like she did now, it pained her more than she would ever let on. Revulsion for herself welled up and she huffed in disgust.

The children were still small and less developed than they should be for their age but now they were out in the open she hoped that they would grow larger, become well again. Ky'Ry' was the only one that didn't gambol about with her sisters and brothers, she laid in Jace's lap, her sightless eyes focused on nothing at all whilst the arctic woman stroked her head gently. She looked sadly at the little smokey girl, she had survived yes but she had yet to show any sign of being able to see through her sapphire eyes.

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