Scribbled Confessions
OOC: new avvie is beautiful!

Dalgina nodded her head, pleased that she had been able to get the food that she had wanted. The problems involved in transporting it hadn't yet occurred to her, simply thinking that she'd take it back to the house and cook it. It was only when the tall coyote mentioned getting help that Dalgina realized her thinking had been a little foolish. She should have planned further ahead. Staring at the meat Dalgina actually saw the impossible task ahead of her, dragging the meat over the terrain to the house, and how much she would ache by the end of it.

Uh... The coyote came to her rescue thankfully, mentioning watching over the meat. A real smile was flashed in her direction this time. Thank you. As swiftly as she could she turned and ran back towards the house, the watchful birds following her. She didn't want to take long. Ovi could carry it though. Finding the tiger she explained what had happened. Ovi listened patiently, sitting up with a grin on his face at the mention of the good meal they would be able to have now.

Ovi would eat the deer then, and Dalgina would give the other meat to Taru. They returned, Dalgina smiling gently at the coyote. Thank you. Ovi was larger than the coyote, despite being on four legs, though Dalgina didn't see that. He grabbed the deer with his jaws while Dalgina gathered up the smaller pieces. She nodded her head, and began to stagger back through the territory, Ovi dragging the deer along as if it weighed nothing. Problem solved.

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