[M] Sins seem to be all I'm good at writing

He ignored the words she spoke, eyes closed against the world he had come to detest so suddenly. What did she know about what Ayita would want? Amaranth had left her, too. Kable, Amaranth, Noah, Liam... All four of them had left their mother's side at one time, from the few months Liam was up north to the year and more that Noah had been gone. All of their adopted children had gone. Their youngest children hadn't done that, only small trips outside of the lands. Vigilante had never left for more than a trip, either.

It was the french words that struck a nerve with him, the sounds and tone of the words bringing Ayita's face into focus before his eyes. Sharply he turned, growling. She was Amaranth, not Ayita. He knew it would be her, but he had been hoping, he supposed. "What did you just mutter?" he demanded.


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