Slipping away

OOC: -wipes tear away-

With each day that passed with Isa still sleeping Alister was losing hope. It was just too painful to think she'd wake only to find her motionless. He'd done whatever he could to help Hadley, but it was never enough, not as long as her condition remained unchanged. She looked weaker by the day, her skin drawing taut over her bones. And Amatha, how did she feel about all this? Would she be alright? His ears flattened and he made his way to the medico's office where Isa was now. He didn't bother thinking that she may have woken up. He knew better. He'd seen her himself.

His sword belt was left in his room, and the same with his shield. He wore only his pants and the steel sun pendant. It's not like he could fight this illness away, but Isa...Why wasn't she fighting this? She had a mate, a daughter. It just wasn't right, and he knew, oh he knew better than most that the world wasn't fair, but with Isa it was different. She was a mother, Amatha needed her. How could this happen?

He felt like he'd lost something, not like his pendant, this was something that could never be recovered; a friendship, cut too short. She'd been so kind to him, and it was because of her he had a home. His hazel eyes were dark and sad, and his muzzle was set in a frown. He paused at the door, seeing all the others who had gathered. They must have known, they must have sensed it. Her time was almost up.

He was surprised when he saw Sidra standing there. Her usual mask had been displaced, and her eyes were full with heart-wrenching emotion. He tried to keep his under control for Amatha's sake and dared a small bittersweet smile of greeting towards the dusky woman, though his eyes swiftly fell to the floor. Jazper there was also, and Hadley, of course. He bowed his head to his Sole before his gaze turned to Hadley. The man was a mess. When was the last time he'd eaten? Amatha was in his arms and he gave the pup a fond smile, reaching over to ruffle her ears. "Hey there, little lady." His touch was brief and his hand fell to Hadley's shoulder for a moment falling off just as quickly. His British accented tones were soft when he spoke finally,"I wanted to be here... She deserves to be surrounded by friends." His smile was weak, but it didn't falter, and he finally allowed himself to look over the woman's frail figure. She'd been sleeping far too long.

Isa was just a ghost of what she had been, even weaker now than when he last saw her, just withering away into nothingness. Did she even know they were there, or was it all just, darkness? Whatever it was she looked so peaceful, he hoped the end would be just as much so. The texts he'd read said that coma patients felt nothing, he hoped it would be the same when...No, she wasn't gone...not yet. But there was little hope, little time left. He regarded the floor, eyes darkening further. The man had no family of his own, and his mother had passed away before he'd had the chance to know her. It wasn't so hard that way, but Amatha had known what it was to have a mother. He prayed that she wouldn't live with the burden of this grief. 'Uncle Alister' Isa called him once playfully. Well, Amatha might just need him to be one now, and as he watched her, he promised himself that he'd always be there for her.


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