the way your innocence tastes

indent The Voice had spoken to him once more. It had promised a great undoing, and that the demon he sought would deliver his being without hesitation. God had promised that his daughter need not suffer anymore. That was why he had followed her for so long, like a well-trained dog. He doubted she realized he was there, either; Talitha was so lost in her own world that she was oblivious to much. Low, sprung, the Aquila broke cover and rushed in front of his daughter.
indent It was terrible, what the rage had done to him. Head low, teeth bared, hair all along his spine up and bristled. His face, perhaps, was more terrible then all of these—both of his eyes were burning, Kaena’s eyes, and his face was locked in a snarl that could have been a grin. Gabriel was here for one purpose only, and that purpose was clear. Tail up, Gabriel took one stiff-legged step forward and kept growling deep in his throat. He didn’t need to speak to Andre; that boy knew what was coming.


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