the way your innocence tastes

Poor Andre. Although I suppose this is what happens when you betray the Inferni Mafia.

Anselm's head was pounding and it took a few moments before he could see through the tears that had formed in his eyes. He blinked them away and was pleased by what he saw. Corona had come rushing in and took the knife. Before Andre could wail on his head too badly, the exile was forced to deal with Anselm's golden cousin--and she restrained his arm and drove in the very same knife he'd used to threaten them. At that point, it was basically over. Knowing that he wouldn't get hit again, he quickly decided to keep a lock on Andre's arm until the boy stopped kicking.
That moment would come quickly enough. In a flash Gabriel was upon the target, and as the adrenaline of the battle died down he became more aware of Andre's laughter. His eyes widened momentarily, and his grip loosened slightly as he pulled his head back to look up at the rebellious boy. Frowning in disgust, he finally dropped the hand as Andre collapsed.
Faolin had gone to comfort Talitha, and Anselm sidestepped away from the corpse and off to the side. His head was still throbbing, but he knew that he could have left the battle much worse for the wear. Still, he kind of wanted to go lay down... but not here. Turning to Gabriel he bowed his head deeply, and then he turned his attention to everyone else and nodded his head. With that, silent as he had been throughout the entire episode, he turned and made his way to the river, where he would clean up, take a good long drink, and pass out for awhile.

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