the whirlwind lifts you up to the ceiling
Vexx hissed and closed his eyes quickly as he backed right into the safe shade. The sun was still out but Vexx wanted to see who was there but the light was impairing his vision. He closed his eyes tightly, and slowly felt his way out into the sun. It still hurt his eyes, even if they were closed, and it made his head hurt terribly like a never-ending migrane. He felt the ground with his paws while trying to navigate to the water he could hear being hi with the rain. The sun wasn't as bright as it usually was, it would be barely noticeable to people who could see normally, probably because of the rain that was the current weather, and he was quite glad about it. The last time he went out into the blazing sun he nearly went insane because of the pain it caused.

But he shook that memory of him like excess water and continued to the apparent nearby being. He still wasn't sure who it was. He felt that he reached the water, it was hard to hear in the rain, but it wasn't too apparent. He spoke out to the other person that was in the vicinity. "Hello? Who's there?" He spoke in a British accent, even though he has a slight Canadian one, to joke around, which always eases his pain. "D-Do you know I can't see? Help me out here!" He chuckled a little under his breath. He always laughed at himself and his own jokes, which he said always made him lame.

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