the whirlwind lifts you up to the ceiling
He quit his accent and became a little more serious. "Well," He let out a sharp, painful sigh and breathed in quickly. "Since I was born my pupils could never dilate properly and always stayed large. So now the sunlight hurts my eyes severely, even though there may not be much light at all. I'm way too used to only being out in the nighttime and sleeping during the day." He laid down where he stood to relax a bit and laid his head on his legs. He eventually took one of his forelegs and put it over his eyes, to lessen the bothersome pain. He groaned softly and breathed deeply several times. He knew he couldn't stand the pain much longer. His time in sunlight is limited severely by his eyesight. Most people think he is either blind, or just a vampire of some sort. Though Vexx himself doesn't believe in vampires. He still hates sunlight nonetheless.

"Soo, uhhh, what are you doing in the rain? Aren't you cold?" He hoped on making friendly conversation with Nikita, who he had just realized was part of the pack he was in. It felt to him like the rain was acting like an ice pack on his face, which he appreciated quite a bit, and so didn't mind being outside in this weather.

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