the whirlwind lifts you up to the ceiling
"Not long before all hell freezes over, eh? Well then I guess I'll be goin' back to my uhh, little cave thingy." He grunted as he pulled his fluffy Sienna body up. He didn't walk any further though but waited. "You sure you're coming too? I wouldn't mind the company, but...." He spoke alluringly. It would seem weird to most, since Nikita was a coyote, and possibly even already taken, but Vexx surprisingly didn't mind at all. He didn't even mean to sound like he was flirting with her, but he wanted to keep going with it, just to see if she would take the bait. He smiled very mischievously, just as if he was a little pup. "Come on! I'm not gonna rape ya or anything..... yeh can even take some water with ya.... erm... of course if you want." He felt that his talking was getting awkward. Maybe not for his coyote friend, but most definitely for him. He tried to open his bright, true blue eyes, but it only lasted for so long, as it still was daytime. He all of a sudden felt really urgent. "We should hurry, like now."

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