every fool gets a lucky chance or two
Set in Overgrowth Sunrise.

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It was still raining. If it weren’t for Nikita’s illness-created affection for water, she would have gotten sick of it by now. This day, it was nothing more than a thin mist that fell upon the land. The Esper Hollow coyote had found herself increasingly bored with staring at the mist drift over the lake near the camp back at home, so she had decided, against her better judgment, to try and go out. Perhaps it wasn’t very smart at all for someone who was ill to be wandering around (and probably spreading whatever disease that they had tried to keep restrained in the confines of the pack, though her own strain didn’t seem as serious as the others’), but she didn’t really pay attention to what was very smart much at all nowadays anyway.

She wandered north and west, past the thick forests of Ethereal Eclipse and further north to the coast. She didn’t wander too far, as she smelled the scent of pack wolves and could only imagine that this might be that belligerent wolf pack that Anselm had told her about — the one that had kidnapped the leader of Inferni’s child. The whole idea of getting near them left a foul taste in her mouth, so Nikita remained to the south and west of them. She found herself in a place that must have been settled by humans at one point, though nature was quickly washing away the signs of that. Buildings were crumbling, rotting, and mostly collapsing while the forest sought to re-take this area that had once been lost. Thinking of nowhere else to go, Nikita found herself on a lane of a small town. A few run-down buildings surrounded her, but she didn’t think much of them. Thinking to get out of the rain for at least a little bit, she wandered under the eave (that was miraculously still standing) and sat down.

Nikita stared blearily into the area surrounding her for a few minutes before allowing her gaze to drift to the area around her. A few feet away was a small piece of wood that had fallen from the structure of the house; a large splinter that seemed to catch her attention. She scooted over to it, picking it up and drawing her knife. Reclining against what was left of the wall behind her, she held the piece of wood in her left hand while whittling away at it with the right. She wasn’t intending to make anything in particular, besides a smaller shard of wood. It was something to keep her attention focused on, though. She didn’t like where her memories took her when she had nothing to occupy her thoughts.


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