HomeComing (Queen)

Soon yet another Dahlian member joined the gathering. She was impressed, and glad that so many had come to welcome back her friend. She could see how happy this made Cercelee and she was glad to just be part of this special moment. The most recent joiner looked rather bedraggled though, his pelt dirty and matted, his form skinny. Even beneath the grime she could see the uniqueness in his fur. Savina had never seen anyone with such markings and found them incredibly interesting. The ebon femme was trying her best not to stare, but found her eyes constantly returning to the lines of black and white. Luckily soon Alexey and DaVinci spoke up as to where they should journey to first. Cercelee readily consented and they were off. The pack members allowed the visitor to walk next to the ivory leader, so she gladly walked next to her, giving her a friendly nudge as they made their way.

It didn't take the group too long before they reached the harbor and her bushy tail wagged happily as the sight of the ocean came into view. She took a deep inhale of the sweet, salty air, smile broad across her maw. The collective group came to a halt, but the interestingly colored male named Slay walked out to the edge of one of the docks, looking back to invite others to join him. The Italian girl eagerly trotted down the aged wooden board to join in the fun. It made her flash back to walking down the dock that lead to the ship that had brought her here, though admittedly that one was more well-maintained than this. Gingerly she lowered herself down next to Slay, dangling her paws in the water as well. She shot him a friendly smile. "I love the ocean. I'm glad we decided to come here." Savina then looked back to the others behind them, her contented air obvious and tail padding happily against the slick boards.


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