swallow the story hook and sinker

_____It seemed like Rizuka had quite an interesting life before coming to Inferni. Now that she was there of course, there would be no doubt quite an interesting life after a prior home. They were the hated and feared, not very many extended their hands in friendship out to them and that was the way it had been for years and years. Aside from Esper Hollow, Corona doubted that they would ever be on overly steady terms with any of the other packs. However, the mention of her necklace prompted a smile to settle back on her face, at least for the moment. “No, I didn't. My father gave it to me, so I guess it's a bit of a family heirloom in that sense.” Aside from being half of the picture in the gift of life, it was one of the only things that he had ever given her that she had kept. Something that she would never remove.

_____“So what kind of skills have you brought with you? I work with medicine, mostly in the sense to heal others,” but in the right situation, she knew how to do harm with it as well. “I'm sure you've been filled in about how liked we are around these parts, though.” And if not, well, a history lesson would probably be in order. If not that, then maybe a bit of a tour of the mansion, she really didn't know. Corona had spent enough time travelling that she wasn't really sure how to regard someone who was new when it came to living in a pack; she may as well have been analysing Rizuka all over again as she had been at the borders.

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