And the Werewolves Cry
She tried, he had to give her that, and not for the first time he wished there had been another way to block them out. He wanted to hear her, and the birds and the wind, but not... The others. They asked too much he couldn't give. Even their eyes asked, but... He could pretend he did not see. Instead he tried to look encouraging.


She didn't seem to be asking for it, so he assumed she meant to ask if he needed any. He scritched at his chest, half an inquiring gesture towards himself, half force of habit, and said, "I could use some, I think. I'm looking for someone." He paused and smiled, trying to articulate why he needed to find Tayui. To find a parent or a sibling or even a friend was so common, there needed to be a way to make her sound special. The way she was.

"She's important to me," was what he settled for.

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