With wide eyes you tremble

sure thing!.. and yes "yay"!

Nani had so much responsibility, and so much to think about it might be best have a separate place just to relax. Naniko was right, she could treat the sick within the mansion, and live with her and her family just beyond it, beyond the ciaos, and away from the memories. Anu would be happy to be away from Conri’s haunting, even if it was just all in her head.

“A place to start fresh.” She smiled, taking in a deep breath and releasing it as getting rid of all the tension her mate’s misfortune had given her.

Anu was ready to keep moving, and if she had any question that Nani was still unsure about being hers completely, they had disappeared. Iskata’s question had been lingering in her mind, the one that questioned the loyalty they held for each other. Anu was sure she could forever be committed to Naniko, and this new step made it easy to believe Nani was just as dedicated as she was.

“I’ll start looking tomorrow.”


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