stones in the road

They had the type of friendship that Anu cherished. Both kindhearted spirits they always played well with others and got along with most for a simple reason, there was no good reason not to. Their similar outlook always made their time together pleasant, and no matter what they got into or the subject they discussed Anu found Savina to be gratifying and someone just genuinely easy to be around.

She ran, and as the rain picked up, so did her speed. The black fey seemed to be one of the few that were able to keep up with her, though Savina’s lean build surely did help. They raced through the sparse woods, coming to a stop when Savina found a hollow place among the rocks. They slipped inside, the cream and grey fey following her companion. Blue eyes peered around the cave, it was surprising large and deep enough for them to sit comfortably inside without being hit by drifting rain.

“We’re very lucky…”

Turning her form from side to side she cast as much of the rain from her pelt, leaving it sticking up at all angles. She had never been one with a perfect coat, and she felt slightly embarrassed that she was so ragged. She laughed at Savina’s words, shaking her head slightly, sure she looked far worse then the black shewolf did. Eye glanced to see a few hairs out of place, but nothing like her own coat.

It was then, before her fur could dry and fall back into its proper place, that Anu felt the real chill in the air. “If we’re not careful, we’ll miss fall all together and winter will be here in no time.” The thin fey fought off a shiver, and gave another quick shake in hope of getting more cold water off her body. If they didn’t find a source of heat they would have to use their body heat, and she was sure Savina wouldn’t be comfortable with that idea.

“Oh, I’ll be back.” Anu looked out at the rain, cringing at the thought of heading back into the storm. “I’m going to get some dry wood. For a fire.” With a half smile and a glance backward she dashed out into the rain. It came down hard, but the cover of a pine tree was able to keep enough timber for a small fire dry. Escaping the weather for as many minutes she needed to shift Anu gathered as much as she could hold, before rushing back to the cave, peering in before walking under the low entrance on two legs.


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