the KILLING lights

Every inch of every body had exerted as much effort as could be imagined. When she thought her muscles would ignite, she dug deep within her gut and pulled more energy to the surface. Each wolf fell into place, they minds working together to steer the single mass that corralled the chosen doe, then one by one the many mouths of the single beast took their place along its hide.

Anu fell with the deer, watching that her limbs were not crushed by its weight she let her mouth take its place. Ivory teeth, sharp as needles, strong as steel and thirsty as desert sand sank into the throat of the doe. Kansas held her still, presenting it’s supple neck for any beast to take. It was a knife slicing butter, piercing the jugular and tasting the blood that escaped from the thick walled vein.

Her jaw locked instinctively, the muscles tense and unyielding. It was painful at first, but it soon subsided and her face grew numb. Like an iron safe her teeth closed, crushing all that it held between it. The beast beneath her died silently and quickly, but still she held to mouth to its gullet. She knew the others would move, to begin the feast or just to catch their breath, but she remained still, laying against it s chest, her breaths harsh and forced through her nostrils. She had committed to slaying the creature, and until certain she would remain in place.


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